Cookie Policy uses cookies and similar technologies to improve your viewing experience, improve our services, and learn how you use our website. This Cookie Policy tells you what cookies are, how we deploy them, and what you can do to control cookies.
What Are Cookies?
Cookies are tiny text archives stored on your device when browsing a website. They let websites know what gadget you’re using and remember what you like.
Types of Cookies We Use:
⦁ Technical or Functional Cookies: These cookies are essential for the proper functioning of our website. They let you navigate between pages, get into secure areas, and ensure the website loads properly.
⦁ Statistics Cookies: We use statistics cookies to collect info on how visitors interact with our website. This information helps us analyze and improve our site’s performance and user experience.
⦁ Advertising Cookies: For advertising, we and our advertising associates show you relevant ads based on what you like and how you use the Internet. They also help us assess the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns.
⦁ Marketing/Tracking Cookies: These cookies help us track your interactions with our marketing efforts, including email campaigns and promotional materials. They enable us to measure the success of our marketing strategies.
⦁ Social Media Cookies: Social media cookies facilitate the integration of social media features on our website. They let you share information and talk to us on our social media accounts without leaving our site.

By using, you consent to these cookies as described in our Cookie Policy. You can change your cookie settings on your desktop or laptop, but remember that turning off some cookies may change how the site works for you.
Contact Us
We may update our Cookie Policy periodically to align with changes in our practices, so we recommend reviewing it from time to time. If you have any questions or concerns about our use of cookies, don’t hesitate to contact us at
Last Updated: [20 November 2023]